Krenov Style Cabinet Build


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Kewaunee, WI
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It's been a while since I've done much in the shop and am trying to change that. Actually had time today to spend in the shop, but didn't really get going to begin with because I wasn't sure of what to actually work on. Later in the day I decided that I should get into a bucket list project to get me going back in the shop - a project that would certainly excite me and get me back into the groove in the shop.

For a long time I have wanted to build two things: a Krenov style cabinet and a Tansu cabinet. The Tansu is larger and we don't really have a good space for it in our home at the present time, though it is very much a bucket list build that I hope to eventually do someday. So I'm going with the Krenov style cabinet, because that we can find a place - and a use - for. It will be my bourbon/whiskey cabinet once finished.

This Krenov style cabinet that someone made and posted on LJ has a number of design features that I really like, and it will be a major inspiration for my design.



So before calling it a day, I pulled out lumber from the racks for this project. The one I am drawing inspiration from has curly cherry, walnut, spalted maple, and ebony - and I think it ends up making for a very nice overall look and combination of woods that ties together well.

Going with what I have available, I pulled out some real superb curly cherry, walnut, ambrosia maple, and African blackwood.


This pic of it wet doesn't do it justice. This is some real nice cherry. They are 8/4 thick, the full one is 16" wide and 5' long. The others were originally, but were cut down to remove pith. Definitely some resawing in my future - all of these boards are 8/4.



Do not expect this to be a quick project. It will be an as I have time project, and there are already things lining up in the next months that will keep me out of the shop for some stretches. But I'll post occasional updates as I make progress. I'm hoping to draw out a rough sketch/dimensions in the morning and then start processing lumber.


scroll, flat, spin
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Eastpointe, Mi. usa
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Ok this is kinda wierd. A member of the church asked me to make a cabinet like you have pictured above e but with plexiglass inserts in the doors, because there's lots of kids there. It's supposed to be for a put and take library.
I said yes but warned them it would be awhile before I can get to it, you know how that is, lol.


craM de la craM # RipJack City!
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Knickerbocker, NY
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Ok this is kinda wierd. A member of the church asked me to make a cabinet like you have pictured above e but with plexiglass inserts in the doors, because there's lots of kids there. It's supposed to be for a put and take library.
I said yes but warned them it would be awhile before I can get to it, you know how that is, lol.
You can use safety glass or tempered glass as an option. That is what I specify for kitchen wall cabinets w/ glazing and on framed doors w/ glazing or glazing panel screens. Plexiglass actually breaks easier than tempered glass (you won’t have little shards compare to tempered glass), scratches easily, will get hazy after constant rubbing when cleaning when it is exposed to direct light. Not good with heat.

I use this for guitar templates and constant usage, it will show scratches and will get fuzzy/hazy.
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scroll, flat, spin
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Eastpointe, Mi. usa
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You can use safety glass or tempered glass as an option. That is what I specify for kitchen wall cabinets w/ glazing and on framed doors w/ glazing or glazing panel screens. Plexiglass actually breaks easier than tempered glass (you won’t have little shards compare to tempered glass), scratches easily, will get hazy after constant rubbing when cleaning when it is exposed to direct light. Not good with heat.

I use this for guitar templates and constant usage, it will show scratches and will get fuzzy/hazy.
I hear all that but it's what they requested.

Mr. Peet

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northeastern PA
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You can use safety glass or tempered glass as an option. That is what I specify for kitchen wall cabinets w/ glazing and on framed doors w/ glazing or glazing panel screens. Plexiglass actually breaks easier than tempered glass (you won’t have little shards compare to tempered glass), scratches easily, will get hazy after constant rubbing when cleaning when it is exposed to direct light. Not good with heat.

I use this for guitar templates and constant usage, it will show scratches and will get fuzzy/hazy.
I see the vinyl guy up the road laminates it over tempered glass. No shards at all when it gets broken. Saw it at a craft show demo.