I confused two wood chunks -_-
I found the wood I showed as a small log, and no-one told me what it is. Here are a few more pictures. [Log 1]
This is the endgrain (1/4 by 1/4")
Three more guys gave me three pieces under the name "tería"; one is quite dark (like black walnut) while the other two are light-coloured, similar to chestnut. These are the endgrain pictures (1/4 by 1/4") I took:
[Log 2]
[Log 5]
[Log 6]
Do you think they are from the same plant? can it sometimes be diffuse-porouse (as in logs 2 and 5) and sometimes ring-porous (as in log 6)?
My mistery wood [log 1] looks similar to the dark tería log [log 2]; they also had the same bark.
Looking for "tería" on the web I find reference to three species:
1) calycotome villosa (syn. cytisus spinosus, spartium spinosum); the bark looks very similar to my logs, and the description I was given also matches.
2) genista spp. and colutea arborescens:
I would rule these out since all pictures I find on the web show a completely different bark.
Now for "legna nera": The wood that was given to me as "legna nera" is this one:
Chocolate brown with golden sapwood, very dense, with a very peculiar endgrain:
[Log 4]
Based on the hobbithouse (thanks
@phinds) I would think this is Rhamnus; if so, based on the location it is Rhamnus Alaternus.