Ok, I had this discussion a few years ago. Mostly, everyone doubted me or pointed out the dangers I faced.
Here is my story: about 15 years ago I bought thousands of feet of hardwood lumber of many species, like two train cars full! I had way more than I needed, and nobody would buy it because it all had power post beetles I bought a Grizzley planer and went to work. This was all rough sawn lumber, so I had lots of work to do. I went to the local tractor supply and bought a quart of concentrated carpenter ant and termite killer, and a cheap pump up sprayer. After planing a few hundred ft, I sprayed all surfaces with the product. Dead beetles! I used this lumber to panel the walls and ceilings in three houses, the one I live in being one. I have lived here 9 years and have not seen a single beetle. I know, some would recoil at the thought of living in a house treated with the chemicals in that spray, but I don’t have a oroblem with it. The walls and ceilings in my house are riddled with bug and worm holes, and I love it. Those who come to my house always seem to like it too. A bit rustic I admit, but it fits the setting. I live in the forest, on a mountain, on the edge of a 100 ft cliff in West Virginia.